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Ganus Family Loft (GFL) is proud to become the 1st Loft in the history of the sport to be the 1st Place Winner in the South Africa Million Dollar Final Race, the Victoria
Falls World Challenge Final Race and the Pattaya International One Loft  Final Race - three of the most prestigious races in the world! And in January 2022, placing 3rd and 6th
in the Pattaya International One Loft race, 1 second out of 1st place! Over the years GFL birds have proven their dominance by topping the race sheets all over the world and in
the USA, scoring in major national races, dominating national awards and winning sizeable monetary prizes. It would be totally impossible to mention or list the achievements
of every fancier that has contacted us informing us of their race results in local and national competitions and one loft races. Regardless of the level of competition GFL is proud
to have helped these fanciers work their way to the top of the race sheet in their local clubs and in the one loft races.
Ganus Family Loft - 8th Place South Africa Million Dollar 2019 Final Race


"Triple 4"
Middle Ace Pigeon
vs 12,000 birds
1st Ace Pigeon Club - 3400 bds
3rd Ace Pigeon Combine - 19,000 bds
Flown by:
Raul Casteneda, Mexico
Ganus Family Loft - 1st Ace Pigeon and Equal 1st Place Final Race
2018 Hoosier Classic Million Dollar One Loft Race
Ganus Family Loft Wins 2018 Victoria Falls Challenge Final Race
Ganus Family Loft Wins 2016 South Africa Million Dollar Final Race

1st Place 2017 California Classic Final Race

winning $75,000 ~ 908 birds ~ 305 miles
2017 USA One Loft Race Rankings
Ganus Family Loft - 2nd Place
Based on an article written by Brandon Brashears appearing in the Racing Pigeon Digest Magazine (2/15/2019)
Results for one loft races held in the USA were gathered by the website, OLRSTATS.com. Based on those results Mr. Brashears ranked one loft competitors into 3 categories: brilliancy, consistency,
and quality of the birds competing. What do each of these categories mean?
   - Brilliancy: amount of money won per bird entered and percentage of birds winning a prize on the final race
   - Consistency: percentage of birds in top 10% over races of 200+ miles, percentage of birds winning a prize in 200+ mile races
   - Quality of birds competing: percentage of birds making it to the 1st race, percentage of birds making it to the final race
In this analysis, the rankings are based on winning percentages, not total wins. This means if a loft sends more birds to a one loft races, then more birds from that loft need to make the race sheet to
register a higher percentage. In the final analysis, Ganus Family Loft was ranked as the 2nd Best One Loft Race Competitor in the USA for 2017 with rankings of 1st Place in Brilliancy and 3rd Place
in Quality.
In a recent article appearing on the PIPA website:

Ganus Family Loft is without a doubt one of most successful participants in OLRs in the world.
He has won all the top OLRs in the United States, the 2016 South African Million Dollar and in 2018
the Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon Race. It is no surprise that Ganus Family Loft topped
the prize money results in the United States in 2017
Mike with the 2016 SAMDPR Trophy- 1st Place Final Race